Oxford to High Wycombe

Oxford to High Wycombe

Travel made easy

Even if you’re not going to the airport, you can still use the airline for convenient, comfortable travel between Oxford and High Wycombe.


Timetables between High Wycombe and Oxford

Please ensure you are at the bus stop at least 10 mins before the coach is due.

The arrival times provided on these timetables are estimates and can be affected by traffic.

Travel time (subject to traffic conditions):

  • Oxford to High Wycombe – 45 mins
the airline timetable from 28th May 2023

We are pleased to announce that the airline coach services between Oxford, High Wycombe, Heathrow and Gatwick Airports will be increased from 28th May 2023. The daytime service between Oxford and Heathrow Airport will be enhanced to operate up to every 20 minutes, with an additional 12 departures operating in each direction to meet the growing demand.

Timetable valid from 28th May 2023 (PDF, 265.25 KB)


The airline fares

Oxford – High Wycombe

Tickets can be purchased on board the coach directly from your driver. You can pay with cash or card.

Please note these tickets are not purchasable via our advance booking system.


Where to get on and off

High Wycombe

The coach stop is located at High Wycombe Coachway (Handy Cross). The site is easily accessible by local bus services and there is plenty of parking available if you’re arriving by car.